- 抚今追昔,我想起对中英文化交流作出重要贡献的剑桥校友李约瑟博士。
- Here and now , I cannot but mention dr. joseph needham , a cambridge alumnus who made important contribution to cultural exchanges between china and britain .
- 不论如何,听听祖马总统的致国民演讲的确只能让人连连称赞,这很像他在就职典礼上的演讲和在政党竞选宣言上的重述。
- Nevertheless , listening to president jacob zuma 's state of the nation speech , one cannot but marvel at what sounded like a reiteration of his presidential inauguration speech and his party 's election manifesto .
- 回首过去,我无法不对自己当时表现出的幼稚和无知程度感到惊讶。
- In retrospect I cannot but marvel at the extent of my naivety and ignorance then .