- 在第一个晚上,当我又饿又累地进入比萨,被站台上的十个向着几乎全是年轻人的人群吼叫着一堆感伤的歌曲的大喇叭迎接时,我对爱情和理解的耐心看上去是无穷无尽的。
- My patience for love and understanding seems endless on this first evening when , dead tired and starved , I enter pisa , greeted on the station platform by ten loudspeakers bellowing out a flood of sentimental songs to an almost entirely youthful crowd .
- 尽管现在gui几乎到处都有,但文本用户界面(tui)却没有过时。
- While gui is almost everywhere , the text user interface ( tui ) is not dead .
- 一名男子漂浮在死海上,那里盐度水平几乎是辽阔海洋的9倍,这使得这一庞大湖泊里的水是地球上密度最大的水。
- A man floats in the dead sea , where salinity levels almost nine times that of the open ocean make the water of this huge lake among the densest on earth .