- 本次旅行将以中左政党领导人在智利海边度假胜地维纳德马的聚会而告终。
- The journey culminates with a gathering of centre-left leaders at vina del mar , a chilean beach resort .
- 破庙里的神呵!七弦琴的断线不再弹唱赞美你的诗歌。晚钟也不再宣告礼拜你的时间。
- Deity of the ruined temple ! The broken strings of vina sing no more your praise . The bells in the evening proclaim not your time of worship .
- 然而,在四分之一决赛,巴西太强大了,在比尼亚德尔马,他们3-1战胜了英格兰。
- Brazil were too strong in the quarter-finals , however , as they recorded a 3-1 victory in vina del mar.
- 孔子谐弟子游泰山,偶遇友人荣启期坐在树下,衣鹿皮裘,鼓瑟而歌,怡然自得。
- Confucius harmony disciple you taishan , meet friends rong qiqi sat under a tree , deerskin fur clothing , lyres and song , be happy and pleased with oneself .
- 你到了城的时候,必遇见一班先知从丘坛下来,前面有鼓瑟的,击鼓的,吹笛的,弹琴的,他们都受感说话。
- As you approach the town , you will meet a procession of prophets coming down from the high place with lyres , tambourines , flutes and harps being played before them , and they will be prophesying .
- 今日所有的心弦弹奏著相同的曲调。
- The lyres of all minds play to the same tune today .