- 一条倾斜的直线跑道上,跑道从大约九或十英尺高的地方沿着车道延伸下去,横穿街道,甚至到达街道的另一边,然后开始慢慢变直,与地面连接。
- One long , inclined straightaway : the two-foot-wide track starts at maybe nine or 10 feet high and quickly descends along the drive and across the street , almost to the opposite curb , where the track runs low to the ground .
- 呼麦,又名“浩林潮尔”,是存在于蒙古族中的一种神奇的唱法,它的神奇之处就在于一个人能同时唱出一高一低的两个声部。
- Khoomei , or " haolin chor , " is an astounding type of mongolian music that uses singing in which the vocalist simultaneously sings two voice parts , one high and one low , a unique practice in all of music .