- 亚当发明了一见钟情,那是世界空前的一架最伟大的省力机器。
- Adam invented love at first sight , one of the greatest laborsaving .
- 虽然从浪漫的角度看,这或许是“一见钟情”的证据。
- Looked at romantically , though , it could be evidence of " love at first sight " .
- 而情绪的长时间持续我们就把它叫做情感,情绪只是一时的感觉,情感却具有社会性,具有延续性,比如一见钟情,这就是情绪了,那只是一瞬间的感觉,但日久生情就不一样了,它就是情感了。
- The continual lasting of emotion is affection . Emotion is a momentary feeling , while affections are social and continual , such as love at first sight is a type of emotion , though momentary . But love coming in time is affection .
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