- 廖医生记得,要是在过去,整容手术会被看作头等的资产阶级腐化行为。
- Dr liao can remember when plastic surgery would have been seen as bourgeois decadence of the first order .
- 在1998年,郭台铭获得了为戴尔台式电脑制造机箱的首次订单,戴尔要求在美国制造,以接近终端市场。
- In 1998 , when gou won his first order from dell to make the chassis for its desktops , dell insisted he do it in the u.s. , close to the final market .
- 太平洋两岸的决策者应该避免肆意改造经济间的相互依存关系,而应该寻求解决双方利益在全球化中面临的真实而迫切的威胁。
- Policymakers on both sides of the pacific should eschew selective characterizations of economic interdependence and seek to head off the real , first-order threats to the benefits from globalization .
- 其中一人年轻时尚。
- One is young and dandified .
- 其中一人加入了我们。
- One of them joins us .
- 今晚只有一个人会死。
- Only one will die tonight .