- 有时他成功了,比如他描写棒球比赛上的欢快人群,或者当他瞥见“一位硕大的年轻女子不戴帽子/穿着围裙”,在人行道上俯身擦去她鞋子上的一片指甲。
- Sometimes he succeeded , as when he describes the euphoric crowds at a baseball game , or when he catches a glimpse of " a big young bareheaded woman / in an apron " on the pavement , bending down to remove a nail from her shoe .
- 不过2011版词典所附带的1911年限量版词典让我们可以一窥那个世界中有趣的新词,包括marconigram(通过马可尼的无线电报系统发送的信息)、kinematograph(一种电影放映机)和biplane(一种双翼飞机)。
- But the 1911 limited-edition dictionary included with its 2011 counterpart , offers a glimpse into a world where exciting new words included ' marconigram ' - a message sent by marconi 's wireless telegraphy system ; ' kinematograph ' - an apparatus producing motion pictures ; and ' biplane ' - a two-winged aeroplane .
- 不过2011版词典所附带的1911年限量版词典让我们可以一窥那个世界中有趣的新词,包括marconigram(通过马可尼的无线电报系统发送的信息)、kinematograph(一种电影放映机)和biplane(一种双翼飞机)。
- But the 1911 limited-edition dictionary included with its 2011 counterpart , offers a glimpse into a world where exciting new words included ' marconigram ' - a message sent by marconi 's wireless telegraphy system ; ' kinematograph ' - an apparatus producing motion pictures ; and ' biplane ' - a two-winged aeroplane .
- 眨下眼可能就错过了。
- Blink and you might miss it .
- 眨眼之间,你就可能错过良机了。
- Blink and you may have missed it .
- 一眨眼你就错过了。
- Blink and you 'll miss it .
- 苔丝偷偷地看了她的丈夫一眼。
- Tess stole a glance at her husband .
- 我偷偷的看了爸爸一眼。
- I quickly stole a glance at dad .
- 这样一来,你只用偶尔瞟一眼讲稿,而不用老盯着它看。
- That way you can glance at your notes without being imprisoned by them .
- 但是,最近我们对于一个附近星系的惊鸿一瞥,为这个过程提供了证据。
- A recent peek into a nearby galaxy provided evidence for the scenario , however .
- 今天,我带你们瞥一瞥我极致简约的工作环境------假如你想知道个究竟,那这里就是我的魔力之源。
- Today I thought I 'd give you a peek at my minimalist workspace in case you 've ever wondered , this is where the magic happens .
- 我这周末访问了boxee的首席执行官avnerronen和d-link的消费市场营销总监brentcollins,一窥即将正式完成的boxeebox的面目。
- I met with boxee ceo avner ronen and d-link director of consumer marketing brent collins this weekend to get a sneak peek of a nearly-final boxee box .