- 里面带有恐怖的元素,但只能算是佐料,它更像是仔细考证过的历史小说与爱情小说的结合,还经常带着对时间的性质与对过去的冥思。
- It has elements of horror , but they exist almost as a condiment for something that 's partly a tightly researched historical novel , partly a love-story , and always a musing on the nature of time and the past .
- 而同时,电影又是一个爱情故事,正是爱情没让电影变成一座蜡像馆、或者一出惊悚片。
- But it 's also a love story , and the love keeps it from becoming simply a waxworks or a freak show .
- 当我拍摄第二集时,人们又苦恼于这将是一个爱情故事。
- When I did the second film , people were mortified that it was going to be a love story .