- 我不会指责星巴克(starbucks)没有在英国缴一分税,我也不会指责它销售的小纸杯热牛奶中只加了一丁点咖啡,糖浆却混了不少。
- Idon 't blame starbucks for paying no tax in the uk . I don 't blame it for selling pint-sized cardboard cups of hottish milk into which a tiny bit of coffee and quite a lot of syrup have been squirted .
- 每个意大利人身上都有些许贝卢斯科尼的影子。
- Every italian possesses a tiny bit of silvio .
- 只需要一点就可以出足够的泡沫了。
- It only takes a tiny bit to create a fantastic lather .