- 地产咨询公司世邦魏理仕(cbrichardellis)的玛丽亨特(mariehunt)指出,在这些地区,20套房子的超额供给就会造成极大的区别。
- Marie hunt of cb richard ellis ( cbre ) , a property consultancy , points out that in such places even an oversupply of 20 homes can make a big difference .
- 由此获得的讯息可以极大地区分这样一个家庭中成员的活动和出价的不同。
- That information can make a big difference in the campaigns and offers made to members of such a household .
- 向极度贫困的人们注入希望便可使他们的生活大变样的想法,听起来就像一个善意的活动家或慷慨激昂的政客的梦中呓语。
- The idea that an infusion of hope can make a big difference to the lives of wretchedly poor people sounds like something dreamed up by a well-meaning activist or a tub-thumping politician .