- 渐渐地,一步步地,neal实际上,的确如同美丽蝴蝶一样从它的茧中显露出来但是是按他自己的时间表,而不是我的。
- Gradually inch by inch neal did indeed emerge from his cocoon as a glorious butterfly -- but on his own schedule not mine .
- 弗拉基米尔纳博科夫经常用5-8英寸的索引卡去撰写和排序小说的场景。
- Addicted to notecards : vladimir nabokov used 5 - by 8-inch index cards to compose and order the scenes in his novels .
- 新华社说,提高债务上限没能一劳永逸地拆除华盛顿债务炸弹,而只是把导火索加长了一英寸,进而推迟了马上爆炸的可能。
- The higher debt ceiling ' failed to defuse washington 's debt bomb for good , only delaying an immediate detonation by making the fuse an inch longer , ' xinhua said .