

unquestioned 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- On the eve of the crisis , the us was the unquestioned provider of all these public goods .
- 在此次危机前夕,美国是所有这些公共产品毋庸置疑的供应商。
- It is the unquestioned diplomatic and economic heavyweight of its region .
- 波兰是其所在区域毫无争议的外交和经济双巨头。
- A system in which obedience and fortitude were unquestioned virtues .
- 视服从和坚毅为公认美德的一种制度。
- A kind of unconscious and therefore unquestioned bias .
- 无意的、因而也未受怀疑的一种偏见。
- But he responded with unquestioned obedience .
- 但他却毫无疑问地服从.
- He was the unquestioned leader of american legal scholarship .
- 他是美国法学界当之无愧的领袖。
- It works by taking what we know from familiar , unquestioned settings , and making it strange .
- 但它会把我们现有的知识,脱离平时熟视无睹的情景,使其变得陌生。
- It is unquestioned today that democracy means universal franchise , and this is what we always try to impose on others .
- 无容置疑,在今天民主就意味着全民普选,而这正是我们试图强加于他人的观念。
- Japanese economic supremacy not long ago went unquestioned , backed as it was by japan 's defence alliance with america .
- 不久前,凭借与美国联合防卫计划,日本刚刚确立了经济霸权地位。
- Still , at least corruption in brazil is no longer a sort of unquestioned fact of nature .
- 然而,最起码,在巴西腐败不再是理所当然的事情。