

sputter 变化形式
复数: sputters
第三人称单数: sputters
过去式: sputtered
过去分词: sputtered
现在分词: sputtering

sputter 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- As markets sputter , analysts are regaining some clout .
- 随着市场走弱,分析是又重新获得一些影响力。
- If the west continues to sputter , what happens when asia 's fiscal stimulus and restocking fade ?
- 如果西方世界继续口无遮拦,那么亚洲的财政刺激和重新进货不再的时候怎么办?
- He laughs and for the only time in our interview , his eloquent torrents of words begin to sputter .
- 他笑了这是我们的采访中唯一一次,他雄辩的话语激流开始喷溢。
- Rich dad stopped by at noon on the third week . We heard his truck pull up in the parking lot and sputter when the engine was turned off .
- 富爸爸在第三周周末的中午来了。我们听见他的卡车泊进了车位,以及发动机熄火的声音。
- Investors again largely brushed aside reports wednesday that showed inflation remains tame and the housing market continues to sputter .
- 周三,投资者对通货膨胀率依然温和与房地产市场持续走低的报告漠然视之。
- He went up to sputter out the incident to miss pao , cursing that scoundrel ah liu .
- 上去吞吞吐吐把这事告诉鲍小姐,还骂阿刘混蛋。
- He was so furious he could only sputter his reply .
- 他气愤极了,只能结结巴巴地回答。
- Be aware that the infant will cough , sputter , and choke during feedings .
- 注意小儿在吃奶时会咳嗽,喷溅或呛噎。
- If the economy does sputter , officials may devalue the currency to boost revenue from exports , yuan skeptics said .
- 对人民币持怀疑态度的人士说,如果经济真的硬着陆了,官员们可能会贬值人民币来增加出口收入。
- The almighty american consumer was the engine of global growth , but it will most likely continue to sputter even after the banks are repaired .
- 强大的美国消费者过去是全球经济增长的引擎,但即使在银行被修复好之后,这个引擎也很有可能会继续发出微弱的嗒嗒声。