

Pro 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Pro : if the olympics awards equestrian riders medals for prancing pleasantly around a track on a horse , why not let stock car racers go for the gold at 180 miles an hour ?
- 赞成:既然奥运奖杯允许马术选手在马背上悠闲地绕着圈走来走去然后捧走,为何就不准赛车以180公里的时速争夺冠军?
- Well-known pr pro jeremy toeman has started a business you 'd hardly recognize as part of an era of youtube clones , yet it is dependent on that very world of free , prolific , user generated content .
- 知名的公共关系专家jeremytoeman开始了一项在这个youtube克隆横行的时代显的非常与众不同的业务,虽然它也同样依赖着大量的、免费的、用户生成的信息。
- The u. k. government is in principle pro euro , but this is seen as effectively banishing pm tony blair 's chances of calling a successful ballot on the issue until when and if he wins the next election .
- 原则上,英国政府还是赞成加入欧元区的,但人们认为这种态度正在有效地剥夺首相托尼布莱尔在成功投票这个问题上的机会,除非他能赢得下一次选举。
- When difficult cases occur , they are difficult chiefly because while we have them under consideration , all the reasons pro and con are not present to the mind at the same time ......
- 当困难情形出现时,之所以困难主要是因为当我们把他们置于考虑之列时,所有赞成和反对的因素并不会因此同时跃然于胸……
- Pro : lacrosse isn 't just a regional sport in the united states , it was also invented by native americans and is the national sport of canada .
- 赞成:长曲棍球在美国绝非孤家寡人,它是印第安人发明的,并且是加拿大的国球。
- I 've seen recent arguments , pro and con , about making linux an industry standard os , that is , adding as many users as possible .
- 我看了最近关于赞成和不赞成让linux成为工业标准的操作系统进而增加用户的争论。
- In the near future , being an ria pro will be a key resume differentiator .
- 在不久的将来,ria专家将会是简历的一个重要筛选条件。
- You don 't have to be a pro to reap the benefits of creating the written word .
- 你不必成为一个职业的写手来从写作中获利。
- And even though some latin american countries are likely to back the candidacy of the pro - us government of guatemala , venezuela could still win the seat by winning the necessary 128-vote majority at october 's un general assembly meeting .
- 即使一些拉美国家有可能支持亲美的危地马拉成为候选国,委内瑞拉仍可能在今年10月份举行的联合国大会中赢得必要的128票多数赞成票,从而获得席位。