- 美国不成比例地向亚洲大规模投射影响力,主要通过控制亚洲海域以及航道,而扩充海军舰队是在赞同加强业已强大的海上力量。
- Us power is disproportionately projected through command of the seas and shipping lanes in asia , and an expansion of the navy is a nod to strengthening an already powerful seaborne force .
- 加上将配备海上核武器的海军,一个竞争性军备竞赛的潜台词将被认为这是一支被极端主义者渗透最彻底的巴基斯坦军队的分支。
- A competitive arms race beckons-with the added twist that the navy , which would be in charge of seaborne nuclear weapons , is thought to be the branch of pakistan 's armed forces most infiltrated by extremists .
- 占俄罗斯石油和天然气海上运输五分之一份额的sovcomflot公司总裁sergeifrank把北极航线形容成“漂浮着的输油管”。
- Sergei frank , the boss of sovcomflot , which carries a fifth of russia 's seaborne oil and gas exports , envisages the arctic route as a " floating pipeline " .
- 海上作战武器要求没有那么高。
- Weapons at sea could lower the threshold .
- 海上争端是一个更重大问题的一部分。
- The spat at sea is part of a much larger issue .
- 索马里海盗主要采取劫持船只、索取赎金的方式,而非传统的海上抢劫。
- Somali piracy takes the form of hijacking and extortion rather than conventional robbery at sea .