- “我们原希望时装能同时满足工作与娱乐之需要,让我们从球场直接去餐馆吃午餐,再去学校接孩子,但市场上这种服装难觅踪影,”格里斯沃尔德说,她以前是位芭蕾舞演员。
- " We wanted stylish clothes in which we could work and play all day , taking us from the court to lunch to picking up our children , but we couldn 't find anything suitable , " says griswold , a former ballerina .
- 如果我们所有人都要去gap买工作装,那将是一场悲剧。
- It would be tragic if we all had to shop in gap for work clothes .
- 其中此次毕业设计中的工装夹具是重点和难点。
- In which this graduation project work clothes jig is key and the difficulty .
- 大家回家之前,她身着罩衫和帽子来找我,我拥抱她时,她哭了。
- Before everyone went home , she came to me in her smock and hat , and cried as I hug her .
- 在很多照片中克里姆特都是身着工作服,胡子修得尖尖的。
- Klimt himself appears in various photographs , wearing a smock and a pointed beard .
- 我看见詹姆斯从浓烟中钻出来,牵着金儿。
- I saw james coming through the smock , leading ginger with him .
- 我有一个穿工作裤的朋友,他的友谊即使用世界之王我也不愿意交换。
- I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world .
- 由于农民集市的存在,白人认为有机食物都是被穿着工作裤的农民,开着拖拉机,不用任何杀虫剂种出来的。
- Just as with farmer 's markets , white people believe that organic food is grown by farmers who wear overalls , drive tractors , and don 't use pesticides .
- 围着他们的是几十个工人,头戴蓝色安全帽,身穿落满灰尘的工装裤,手里抓着能拍照的手机。
- They were joined by several dozen of the factory 's workers , clad in blue hard hats and dusty overalls and clutching camera phones .