- 海豹在tees河河堤上晒太阳,这个区域被称为海豹沙地,现在被命名为teesmouth国家自然保护区。
- Seals bask on the banks of the river tees , on an area called the seal sands which is now designated as the teesmouth national nature reserve .
- 但年轻的渔夫却并不作答,只是用沉默封印了他的双唇,以绳索绑缚了他的双手,并向着他来的地方行去,甚至回到他爱人歌唱的小海湾去。
- But the young fisherman answered not his soul , but closed his lips with the seal of silence and with a tight cord bound his hands , and journeyed back to the place from which he had come , even to the little bay where his love had been wont to sing .
- 第十四条贷款人对质押的单位定期存单及借款人或第三人提供的预留印鉴和密码等应妥善保管,因保管不善造成其丢失、毁损或泄密的,由贷款人承担责任。
- Article 14 the lender shall properly preserve the time deposit certificate as a pledge , and the seal and secret code provided by a third party and shall bear the liability for the loss , damage or divulgence thereof .